The International Master on Holocaust Studies, founded at Roma Tre University in 2005, has been playing an academically appreciated and significant role in developing and renewing the research and the educational work on the Holocaust in the last ten years.
Thanks to the Master, one hundred scholars have been specifically prepared on the subject and some of them are now working as researchers or Phd within several universities. The greatest part of our graduates are teaching in secondary schools and are playing an active role in the commemoration of the Remembrance day and in the organization of trips to the Holocaust sites for secondary students.
From 2005 the Master on Holocaust studies has been a fundamental driver of Holocaust research, training and education both for teachers and students.
More than one thousand teachers have been provided with one hundred hours on-campus and distance training courses.
About the same number of students has been succesfully involved in learning courses held in various disciplines related to the Holocaust.
Young students, between 13 and 18 years old, who had only vague and superficial information on the Holocaust at the beginning, had acquired a specific knowledge.
Sometimes this learning and training pathway led to the reconstruction of family histories linked to the tragic events occurred during the Second World War and to the anti-Semitic persecution in Italy.
This activity has been developing a new awareness of the shared values of an engaged citizenship, of respect and responsibility for one another.
Many scholars and professors, from important Italian and foreign institutions, collaborate And participate to the activities of the Master, as a result of academical and research international agreements which are paving the way towards the creation of the International Center for Modern Jewish Civilization and Israel Studies at Roma Tre University.